

Invisalign Dental Treatment


Invisalign is a virtually invisible orthodontic treatment used to improve the appearance of your smile by correcting the alignment of your teeth and the way you bite together. At V Care Dental, our highly trained Invisalign dentist can provide Invisalign dental treatment that not only reduces bite-related discomfort, but also leaves you feeling happier and more self-confident.

The Benefits of Invisalign

Traditional fixed braces are cemented to your teeth for the duration of your orthodontic treatment. On the other hand, Invisalign is clear, removable and comfortable, and no one will know you’re wearing it. Invisalign dental treatment uses the latest in computerised technology and three-dimensional modelling to generate a series of clear, see-through trays “aligners” which fit closely over your teeth and are virtually unnoticeable. The clear aligners are specially fabricated to fit your teeth exactly and work by moving your teeth gradually week by week, millimetre by millimetre into a position that gives you a natural-looking, beautiful smile.

Invisalign Aligners Are:

  • Worn for 22 hours a day
  • Removed when you eat, brush and floss
  • Changed approximately every two weeks as your teeth slowly move
  • Monitored with regular progress checks with your dentist
  • Effective after approximately 12 to 18 months, depending on the complexity of the case

How the Invisalign Procedure Works

Your Invisalign procedure will start with a dental examination by an experienced Invisalign dentist. They will examine your teeth to see if Invisalign is suitable for you. If so, an impression (mould) of your teeth will be taken using special dental “putty”. The impression will then be sent to Invisalign for processing. Photographs and x-rays will be also taken of your teeth and smile from different angles.

At the Invisalign laboratory, using the latest computer imaging, a three dimensional model is created. The model is used as a basis to generate a simulation of your teeth movement from their current position to the final desired position. Your Invisalign dentist will then discuss your treatment plan with you.

The Invisalign procedure will use the computer simulation to fabricate a series of custom made aligners to fit your teeth exactly. Each aligner is slightly different, moving your teeth gradually into the desired position.

What You Are Required to Do

You will wear the aligner day and night for approximately two weeks, only taking them out to eat, brush and floss. You will subsequently move on to the next aligner in the series. Your Invisalign dentist will need to see you every four to six weeks for a progress review; you will also receive the next aligners in the series at these appointments. This process will continue throughout your Invisalign dental treatment until your teeth are in the desired position.

You will be given strict instructions on how to use and look after the aligners. They must be worn for a minimum of 22 hours a day. The success of the Invisalign procedure highly depends on your compliance as a patient and requires dedication.

Get in touch with us today for more details about Invisalign dental treatment.

“Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.”